So, You're Successful But Still Feel Like Something's Missing?
Let's Find It Together...
Hi, I'm Dax!
For the past 25 years I've had the privilege and the great fortune to coach literally thousands of very successful men and women from all around the world, from many different industries and professions and from vastly different backgrounds.
If I were the name-dropping type you'd no doubt recognise and be impressed by the client list I've had the honour to work with over the years, but I'm not... and besides, this isn't about them, it's about YOU.
So I'm going to break the cardinal rule of coaching and do something that coaches are told NEVER to do; I'm going to make some assumptions about you and what's brought you here today.
If I'm right then maybe it'll make you want to explore a little more about working with me to create some pretty powerful transformations in your own life in the not too distant future and if I'm wrong then at least it'll serve to help you make a different choice rather than wasting tons of your time on someone who's a bad fit for you.

Sound Fair To You?
So, to my big assumption...
If you're anything like the majority of the clients I've coached over the last two-and-a-half decades I'd bet you're pretty successful by the definition most people use for that word.
When most people look at you they see someone who's pretty much 'made it' and they see the money in your bank account, the home you live in, the car you drive and the status you hold as being the kind of success that they themselves most aspire to.
To most people your life looks like the fairytale dream life (or on course toward it) and the stories they tell themselves about you are that you must have all your shit together, that your life must be perfect in pretty much every way and that you are living happy beyond your wildest dreams.
What They DON'T See...
What most people miss when they look at all the trappings of your incredible life is the price you've had to pay to achieve it...
...and the price you're STILL paying RIGHT NOW.
They don't see how much time, effort and energy you had to put into 'becoming successful' or the impact it had on your relationships, your health and your peace of mind.
They don't see fear, the frustration and failures you've had to endure along 'the road to success'.
And they don't have a clue that even though you've 'made it' there are still times (quite a lot if you're honest) when you STILL feel like a failure and a fuck up.
And even if they DID see it, they'd never understand it.
Not in a million years.
Truth Is, YOU Probably Don't Really
Understand It Either Do You?
After all, how can a person have achieved all that you've achieved and still feel that they're not living up to their potential?
How can a person have all that you have and still feel like something is missing?
How can a person have climbed so high up the ladder of success and still feel like they may be on the wrong path?
How can a person have everything they ever wanted yet still feel like they're not living the life they're meant to be living?
How Can You Have All The Things That Are Supposed To Make You Happy Yet Still Feel Like Life Is Frustrating,
Uninspiring, Boring & Lonely?
Truth is, most of my very successful clients don't really FEEL that successful when they first start working with me.
They feel FRUSTRATED at having having spent so much time and made so much effort in their lives to find happiness yet have it STILL elude them.
They feel STUCK like they're in an endless 'groundhog day' of the same actions being repeated over and over yet only ever ending up in the same place.
They feel EXHAUSTED from having to always having to wear a mask and pretend to everyone around them that they feel amazing about life when inside they're just not that happy anymore.
They feel LONELY from never really getting to 'live out loud' what's going on in their hearts and minds and feeling like they'll disappoint and let people down if they were to ever share the truth.
They feel SAD that a life 'full of everything' has become dull, boring and lost it's spark when it could (and should!) be so much more inspiring and fulfilling.
That's not to say that my clients are unproductive, emotional wrecks that are moping around and complaining that they have awful lives.
Far from it!
They didn't get where they are and achieve the successes they've already achieved by being whingy, whiney, passive complainers who just sit back and let life happen to them.
Just like you they're action-takers, it's just that the action they're taking never seems to make them feel as complete, as lit up or as happy as they feel it ought to and they often feel like life could be so much better than the one they're experiencing.
More meaningful, more impactful, more enjoyable and more fun.
Does Any Of This Sound Familiar?
If it does then I invite you to click on that big yellow button below and find out more about how my clients got the spark back in their lives and create more fun, freedom, fulfilment while enjoying (and increasing) their financial success at the same time.
And if not, if you don't see even a tiny resemblance between what I've described and what you're experiencing in your own life then I salute you, wish you well and bid you adieu.
There's really no need to read any further.
You got this!